No. 2 Canyon Road Improvement Update

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Message from Chelan County Public Works:

No. 2 Canyon Rd from milepost 4.35-4.97 is slated to be closed beginning September 18th for 25 work days. The project will improve the primitive section and will include re-establishing the 18 to 20 foot roadway width, smooth out large ruts, improve drainage, and graveling the project area.

When completed, the road, which leads to an extensive trails system and Forest Service land will provide continuity and reasonable access to an ongoing trailhead project near the end of the county road.

Traffic Impacts: The work area will be closed to through traffic; it will be open to locals only. Public Works encourages recreationists to stay away from the area while crews are working.

Funding: The $450,000 project is funded by a nearly $400,000 grant from the Washington State Federal Lands Access Program. The remainder will be paid for by Central Washington Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance and local contributions.

As a reminder you can donate to this project by visiting