
Michael “Mic” McLane

Michael “Mic” McLane
A former competitive racer in MTB and CX disciplines, Mic prefers leisurely rides nowadays, taking in the sights and sounds with friends more than going after KOM's.
MTB Facts:
First singletrack trail: Hood River, Or. Where it all started for me on a Specialized Hard Rock Pro in 2001.
Favorite Evergreen trail: Thompson Ridge. Those Methow peeps done gooder with that one.
Snacks he brings on long bike rides: Gummies of some sport, Clif Shot Blocks in Salted Watermelon are my go to, but a bag of gummy bears/worms works too. If it's a really long ride, sometimes a pickle!
Longest bike ride: 80 miles.
Fun Facts:Food he eats too much of: Cinnamon Bears. I love them, and buy them whenever I see them. No idea when I started eating them, always remember them!
Superpower he’d use everyday: Teleportation. Quickest way to the trailhead. Also would make messing with your friends super fun.
Music for the soundtrack of his life: Probably 3 Doors Down. I mean, I grew up in the country, and that's just good direction there. Go 3 doors down, take a left, and you'll see the bathroom at the end of the hall.

Ian Woodford

Ian Woodford
Central Evergreen Vice President and obsessive mountain biker.
MTB Facts:
What he loves about MTB: Spreading the love for 2-wheeling
First singletrack trail: Boulder, CO, on a $79 bike from Target in college
Favorite color on a bike: Grey/scuffed to reduce theft
Best time to ride with him: 55 degrees
Fun Facts:Favorite dance move: My signature move, The Gyrator
Soundtrack to his life: Star Wars Soundtrack - because it makes anything epic.
Forest animal he feels like on a trail: A cat, because meeeoooow.

Courtney Feeney

Courtney Feeney
She was a volunteer ride leader and started instructing at youth camps three years ago. Courtney loves teaching the basics and helping people get over their fear of hitting a tree.
MTB Facts:First ride single track: Daley Ranch, San Diego
Favorite time of the day to go for a ride: Evenings. Once I start moving I get a burst of energy and then I go home and pass out.
Favorite colors on a bike: Purple and blue
Longest bike ride: 7 hrs
Fun Facts:Food she eats too much of: Toffee peanuts. I cannot stop putting handfuls in my mouth
Favorite dance: Hula with my sisters in Leavenworth and Wenatchee
Soundtrack of her life: Rock Steady beat

Keary Kuntz

Keary Kuntz
He started riding the trails at Sage Hills around 2005 and in the last 5 years expanded to other trail systems. Keary hopes to teach others the joy of getting out on the trails and enjoying this sport with confidence and safety.
MTB Facts:Mountain bikes because: I love the fact that it is the joining of a great workout and an outdoor experience.
Favorite Evergreen trail: The whole Number 2 Canyon trail system
Snacks he brings on long rides: Protein bars and dates
Longest ride: Longest Mountain bike ride is a loop starting up 5th Street, up Western and Number 2 Canyon Rd to Twin Peaks and down to Sage Hills
Fun Facts:
Cassie Bogdan

Cassie Bogdan
New to mountain biking as an adult, she quickly got hooked. Cassie rides for the joy of it and has also just started to dip her toe in the race scene.
MTB Facts:First singletrack trail: Virginia
Race experience: I entered my first races in 2020! I did the High Cascades 100 and the Bend 24 and had a blast.
Favorite color on a bike: Chartreuse or black.
Snacks she brings on a ride: fig bars and honey stingers
Fun Facts:Best Halloween costume: At 3, I was an alarm clock
She would be the main character of: Mystery novel ; solving a puzzle is always fun
Daily life superpower: Teleportation, which needs no explanation
Fred Schmidt
Fred Schmidt
MTB Facts:What he loves about MTB: The freedom, the fun, and the endless opportunity to grow and challenge myself
First Singetrack trail: Mt Hood, Oregon.
Favorite Evergreen trail: Boot Camp
Favorite color on a bike: Red
Longest bike ride: 75 miles
Fun Facts:Best Halloween costume: Panda bear. I was 4.
Favorite dance move: Moonwalk, from Napoleon Dynamite.
Forest animal he most relates to: Panda bear, because of the Halloween costume when I was four.

Ivan Arroyo

Ivan Arroyo
Ivan loves the adventure of mountain biking and the little kid spirit that he gets riding through the mountains. He wants to teach students how to ride all the different obstacles on the trails.
MTB Facts:First Singletrack trail: Horse Lake trails
Favorite time to ride: Anytime as long as it is not cold
Snacks he brings on a ride: Chocolate/coconut protein bars, fruit, and chocolate candy
Favorite color on a bike: Green
Fun Facts:He’d be the main character in: Definitely Sci-fi movie, there’s so many cool movies, I think I would pick one of the X-Men movies and I would want to be Wolverine because he’s fast, strong, never gives up, and he doesn’t care about ripping or breaking things. Haha
Soundtrack for his life: A mix of genres in both English and Spanish languages.
Animal he most relates to when biking: Going up hill I feel like a bull charging at the Matador and going down hill I feel like a cheetah speeding down the trail.

Heather Wendeborn

Heather Wendeborn
I started crashing bikes in my hometown of Rock Springs, Wyoming when I was about 9 or 10. My family moved to Farmington, New Mexico when I was 16. I did the teenager thing, then the young adult thing, got married and had a couple of awesome kiddos; sadly there were no bikes. In 2015 my husband and I decided to build a house out by the trails in Farmington and at the same time decided to get some bikes. We went on our first bike ride on Kinsey - Seven Sisters loop. I almost died that day, not really, just felt like I did. Long story short, fell back in love with the sport. Did a couple cross country races and a gravity enduro series. My favorite place to ride down south was defiantly Moab! Fast forward to 2019, my husband and I quit our corporate jobs in New Mexico, packed up our stuff, drove 1,168 miles up to Wenatchee and started a business. Here we are! 2022! It’s been an odd transition, but none the less, we love the area and the PNW; it’s a giant playground!
I’m thankful I was able to get on the Evergreen team. Watching the kids progress at the camps and become confident on a bike by the end of the week is THE BEST!
MTB Facts: Fun Facts: