Central Chapter Newsletter - January 2024

The end of 2023 has come, and like the end of a great ride, it is time to rest and reflect on the amazing adventure 2023 was. Full of challenging technical obstacles, features that took trust in our skill and approach, sections of fun flow, and plenty of rewarding uphill grinds, 2023 proved to be one of the wildest, and most successful rides ever for the Evergreen Central chapter.
In just a moment we will lay out a handful of the most exciting accomplishments, but for me, last year stands out for the many, many little moments that made up the season. Whether it was volunteers stepping up and doing more maintenance than ever in a single year, to staff stepping out of comfort zones to tackle new and challenging projects, to members and supporters reaching out with in-kind support and donations, 2023 was absolutely full of examples of what draws me to Evergreen and to our mountain biking community.
I want to personally thank all of our locally based staff (builders and educators), the hundreds of volunteers, each one of our donors and sponsors, and the entire Statewide Evergreen team that made all of the amazing outcomes produced these past twelve months possible. While I personally spend a lot of solo time on the bike by choice, it is this community, all of you, that help make Washington, and the Central Chapter, the best place to ride.
As I step away from the role of Central Chapter President, I want to thank Tony Feeney for being willing to accept the baton and to lead this amazing group into 2024. I’m excited to see Tony continue to work with the Central Board as they chart the next steps for the chapter. I also want to thank and congratulate Riley Shewak and Ray Birks as they take on new roles as Vice President and Secretary respectively. Finally, I want to thank Julie Ellington for all the effort she has put in behind the scenes to set up all of us for success in 2023. While not as obvious to the average rider, the work put into fundraising, finance, events, staff support, and board team building that Julie put in this past year is truly impressive.
While I am stepping into a new role as President of the State Board of Directors, I remain here in Wenatchee, and Central will always be the chapter closest to my heart. As you read the rest of this newsletter I ask that you reflect on what Evergreen means to you. Use the accomplishments of 2023 to become inspired to find new ways to engage, to get others engaged, and help us make an even bigger impact in 2024.
See you on the trail,