Donate To The No. 2 Canyon Project Today

We are requesting financial support to raise $37,338 for the cash match requirement of the Chelan County No. 2 Canyon Road improvement project which is scheduled for construction in September, 2023. 

The Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance has been working hard for the last five years to build a world class recreation area at the end of No. 2 Canyon Road. The development includes a 30-mile trail network system which has already seen a 1000% increase in user traffic including mountain bikers, hikers, and trail runners.

However, the access road to this amazing recreation site is a serious barrier to access for a large part of our community. The primitive road has \ extremely large ruts and uneven rock slabs that are difficult for even in high clearance sport utility vehicles.

Chelan County has authorized a capital project work order (over $300,000) to re-grade and significantly improve the road between the end of the pavement and the recreation area. The project will be primarily funded by the Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) grant program, however the grant requires a cash match of $37,338 from a non-profit organization – this is where we need your help! The Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance signed on to secure these funds and we are asking for your donation today to make this a reality.

The No. 2 Canyon recreation site is an asset of our community, and your support will help make it more easily accessible for all to enjoy.

If you choose to support this effort, you may use the following link to donate online (please select “Central” chapter)

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