Number Two Canyon - Road Rage
Riding Area
Work Party Lead
Ray Birks
Project Description
Get angry! We'll be tackling one of the classic trails at Number Two Canyon, Road Rage. Meet at the container in the new parking lot and we will transport you up to the work site with tools and bikes. Work includes cutting small trees, clearing brush, and general maintenance. After the work party you can choose your own way down or ride back down in the vehicle with us.
Meetup Location
Number 2 Canyon Parking Lot
From Wenatchee head west on one of the main city streets until you reach Western Ave. Turn South (left) onto Western Ave. Western Ave will turn right and becomes Number 2 Canyon Road. Follow Number 2 Canyon road for 5 miles to the open gate. Continue through open gate 1/4 mile more to the new parking lot with the bathroom.
2903-2909 Number 2 Canyon Rd, Wenatchee, WA 98801, USA
What to expect
- No experience necessary
- All tools will be provided
- Expect to be physically active and to work at your own pace
- Uneven terrain of all types
What to Wear
- Clothing for all weather conditions
- Sturdy Footwear, boots recommended
- Long pants
- Work gloves if you have them
- Long-sleeved shirt recommended
- Eye protection recommended (glasses, sunglasses or safety glasses)
What to Bring
- A backpack to carry your personal gear
- A jacket or coat in case of cold weather
- Snacks/Lunch
- Water